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Will interfering in elections give farmers victory?

Will interfering in elections give farmers victory?

New Delhi,  As the farmers agitation, which started on November 26 last year, entered the 205th day on Saturday, the question arises whether by adopting an arbitrary attitude and interfering in the elections, will the farmers be able to get what they want?

According to Bijendra Singh, Ghaziabad President of the Bhartiya Kisan Union, "It is all the fault of the government, after so many talks, was anything given to the farmer? If they had accepted some of our demands, then the problem would have been solved. The government looks at its own interest only. Some state elections are due in 6 months. The farmers will not rise from here, will fight all the elections from here only. The government should talk to us and our demands should be accepted."

"Farmers are very angry with the government. This you will see in the upcoming elections," he added.

Earlier, in the West Bengal elections also, farmers had appealed to the public to vote against the BJP. Although the BJP got more seats in Bengal than before but it lost the election.

At the same time, the farmers are now realizing that they can harm the government by pitting the public against the government, that is why the farmers are firm on their demands. Farmers sitting on the Delhi borders are only working to warn the government about the upcoming elections.

Are the farmers adopting an arbitrary attitude? In response to this, Jai Kumar Malik, Ghaziabad in-charge of the Bhartiya Kisan Union, says, "The farmers are not doing anything, we are sitting silent. It is only the government that is doing this. Sometimes they label us Khalistanis, sometimes they will say there is no crowd, and sometimes they will also say that it is because of the farmers that coronavirus cases are rising."

Rakesh Chaudhary, who reached Ghazipur border after walking for 5 days from Bulandshahr, says, "The government which we elected have their eyes closed. Public, farmers and youth are upset, in what selfishness the government has forgotten all this? If the government accepts the demands, it is very good. Otherwise UP will go the Bengal way. There are elections in Punjab and Uttarakhand too."

Is this a threat to the government? In response to this question, farmer Rakesh said, "No it is not a threat. We have voted for them, our problems should be heard. There are problems everywhere, farmers have given answer in Bengal. Talking about UP, salute to CM Yogi."

Ever since the protest against the three new farm laws began, farmers have been protesting against various corporate houses by holding frequent dharnas at malls, petrol stations and other places and it is continuing. They are sitting at the Delhi borders since November 26.

The farmers' next big protest is to be held on June 26, which will include dharna-demonstrations at Raj Bhavans in various states apart from district/tehsil level protests across India. For this the Samyukta Kisan Morcha has called upon all progressive institutions and citizens of India including trade unions, merchant unions, women's organizations, student and youth organizations, employees' unions and others, to participate.

Farmers are constantly engaged in making their strategy by holding meetings at the borders, but for the time being, the government seems to have decided not to accept their demands.

The number of farmers has been increasing once again on the borders. Farmers have started leaving their villages with tractors and are marching towards the borders in big numbers to press for their demands.

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