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Anushka Sharma Gets First Talking Wax Statue At Madame Tussauds ..!!

Anushka Sharma Gets First Talking Wax Statue At Madame Tussauds ..!!

Anushka Sharma's statue may not be the first interactive figure at Madame Tussauds Singapore but it is definitely the first one to greet visitors. "Anushka's statue will talk. In fact, she will be the first wax statue in the Singapore museum with this feature. It is a massive interactivity feature that Madame Tussauds is adding to her wax statue.

"Anushka's statue will be holding a phone. The phone works and guests can take selfies with Anushka and her statue will be heard saying warm greetings. With a selfie moment and a speaking Anushka, the statue promises a very special experience for her fans and admirers.

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